name means "KNOWLEDGE OF DIVINE THINGS". Click the TITLE of a book to compare all major bookstores on the internet |
At the Feet of the Master Narrated by Dana Ivey - 0835620050 | |
The Aura - Geoffrey Hodson - 0835620913 (2 cassettes) | |
of the Angels (with book) - Dora
Kunz - 0835620956 The perennially popular Christmas booklet by clairvoyant author Dora van Gelder Kunz now is available in this new audiocassette. The tape is professionally narrated with musical scoring. Each year, many people give this charming booklet to friends and family as Christmas cards. Dora's original booklet is included with purchase. "To students of the hidden side of life," Dora writes, "Christmas is a most wonderful reality - a far greater reality than most of us think, since it involves the whole course of Nature and not humanity alone . . . We must remember that the whole earth is thronged with hosts of super physical beings, angels and archangels and all the Company of Heaven, who stand for the most part at a higher level of evolution than ourselves and who are responsible for the guidance and control of the manifold process of Nature. It is their thoughts and feelings and activities which play so important a part in the creation of that peculiar atmosphere of good will so noticeable at Christmas; and at this time of the year the whole earth thrills with the wonderful forces outpoured by the angels and with the mighty blessing of the Christ which descends in response to their adoration . . . " It is recommended to order directly from the publisher: Theosophical Publishing House/Quest |
Godseed : The Journey of Christ- Jean Houston - 0835620964 (2 cassettes) | |
Healing Powers of Tone & Chant - Don Campbell & Tim Wilson - 0835619060 | |
TO KNOW GOD: The Soul's Journey Into the
Mystery of Mysteries - Deepak Chopra - 0375409491 |
How to Meditate - Eternal Quest - 0835619036 | |
Journeys Into Meditation and Music - Hal Lingerman - 0835620948 (2 cassettes) | |
The Kabbalah - Edward Hoffman - 0835620980 (2_cassettes) | |
Life Force - Jean Houston - 0835621006 (2 cassettes) | |
Light on the Path Narrated by - Dana Ivey - 0835620069 | |
Mandala - Judith Cornell - 0835621014 (2 cassettes) | |
Mary's Vineyard - Andrew Harvey - 0835620093 (2-cassettes) | |
Messages From Your Angles: What Your Angles Want You To Know - Doreen Virtue | |
Public Like a Frog - Jean Houston - 0835621022 (2-cassettes) | |
and Answers on Conversations with God - |
The Road to Self-Mastery - Serge King - 0835619095 (2-cassettes) (available soon) | |
The Roar of Silence - Don Campbell - 0835620999 (2-cassettes) | |
The SEAT of the SOUL - William David Griffith - 1559275588 | |
Shared Visions in World Religions - TS in America - 0835620905 | |
The Voice of the Silence - Narrated by - Paul Meier - 0835620077 | |
Wings of the Spirit - Horatio Costa - 0835630005 (2-cassettes) | |
The Dove in the Stone - Alice Howell - 0835640124 | |
The Esoteric Nature of Music - Jerry Rosser - 0835640027 | |
Heart of the Koran - Lex Hixon - 0835640000 | |
Jung and the Lost Gospels - Stephan Hoeller | |
Letters to a Dying Friend - Anton Grosz - 0835640094 | |
The Meaning of Tibetan Buddhist Chanting - Thubten Pende - 0835640043 | |
Memories and Visions of Paradise - Richard Heinberg - 0835640108 | |
Nicholas Roerich : Messenger of Beauty - Jerry Rosser - 0835640019 | |
Reincarnation : The Untrue Fact - John Algeo - 083564006X | |
The Roar of Silence- Don Campbell - 0835640086 | |
Shamanism - Serge King & Terry Eaton - 0835640078 | |
Stars Cycles and Psyche - Alice O. Howell - 0835640140 |